Monday, February 17, 2020

More waiting and worrying

It's been nearly 2 weeks since I posted last and unfortunately I don't have any news on our girls' paperwork (passports, article 23, etc) or when we can bring them home.

Let's start with happy stuff first!
Last week I did get some pictures of the twins which was so wonderful. It made me happy-cry to see their little faces. Their hair is starting to grow back from being shaved and they are looking so much more grown up!! The picture in the matching striped outfits (which we brought for them on a prior visit, so that was fun to see them wearing them) was taken a couple of weeks before the other picture...and you can tell with the hair length. Evelyn is striking the same pose in both pictures which really cracked us up too...

Now the sad and worrisome stuff...
Four things.
1) A 3rd scheduled article 23 appointment was missed and not completed for the girls and we have received no verification if their passports have even been applied for.
2) There has been a sharp increase in numbers of kidnappings in Haiti. People are becoming more and more desperate and resorting to such measures. This makes me fearful.
3) There was also a fire 3 days ago in an orphanage in the same city where our girls live. 15 children perished in the fire. That hit really close to home and paralyzed me with worry and grief for a couple hours after hearing it, and has continued to weigh heavily on my heart. Not only did it hit close to home by situation and proximity, and broke my heart for those innocent children and traumatized caregivers...but things like that have always been a big fear for me for our girls. It took an hour and a half for firefighters to be able to respond and when they did they had very limited resources to fight the fire. Because of issues with their generator the orphanage had no electricity and had resorted to candles which started the fire. I can see how something like that would happen in Haiti, except in this case the tragedy is compounded by the fact that the non-profit running this orphanage had lost their license and continued to operate anyway and with (obviously) subpar resources despite the fact that the organization brought in millions in donations. This makes me furious and like I said compounds the tragedy since it would have been preventable if available resources had been properly allocated. Just so, so sad.
4) I just read tonight that police have set fire to stages for next weekend's Carnival celebration as part of their own protests. I can't imagine that will go over well and am bracing myself to see what tomorrow brings.

Chareyl said that she has been asking for answers about why the article 23 isn't taken care of and if passports have actually been applied for, but she hasn't received a response yet. She is wondering if there is possibly a paperwork issue they are working out, and that they will explain what had to be done in retrospect once it's finished instead of telling us upfront what needs to be done. It's the lack of information that makes me feel crazy though. I just wish I knew what was going on.

I just want to bring our little girls home.

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