Saturday, November 23, 2019

National Adoption Day

Today is National Adoption Day. I'm posting each day in November about something I'm grateful for and I did my post on Facebook about adoption and thought I would just share the whole post here too:

Day #23 I am grateful for adoption.
♥️ I chose national adoption day to express my gratitude for adoption. Three of our five children have come into our family by adoption. While there is no difference in the way Mark & I love any of our children, I do recognize and honor the unique way we were blessed with them. The heartache and loss that had to occur for these children to join our family will never be lost on me. I respect and honor their first mothers and acknowledge the loss that is inherent with the adoption process. It is difficult for me to put into words the gratitude I have for the blessing that these children are in our lives and I love them so very much. 💓
I am including photos from the first moments that we met Noah, Eleanor Abigaëlle & Evelyn Abigaïlle.
The first time we saw Noah he was six days old and he was placed into my arms wearing a little yellow outfit and was wrapped in a yellow blanket. Noah was such a calm baby and after making it through a fairly tumultuous preteen stage 🤪 he is turning out to be a pretty chill teenager also! He is very artistic and enjoys theater, playing the guitar, directing short films, singing, and producing stop motion. He loves to talk and is very open in sharing things about his life with me. He’s one of very few people that I can actually enjoy shopping with and we can talk about life, politics, movies and he enjoys eating a variety of interesting foods! He is bright, witty, and a lot of fun to be around. I love Noah so very much.
Eleanor Abigaëlle is such a happy little girl. She seems a bit quicker to adapt (to new foods, people, circumstances, etc) than her sister... but she does not like nap/bedtime. She spent less time with me (more with Mark or a gma) on most of our visits to Haiti, until the last visit when she insisted on dominating the amount of time being held by me and showered me with so much affection. She even bypassed the normal warmup period that happens upon our arrival and ran to me with open arms shouting “Manman!” (Mama) when she first saw me. I have noticed Eleanor showing an interest in soccer when other kids are playing it outside as she will sometimes dribble around a soccer ball. I have also seen her carrying around a football under her arm while supporting a pretty dress… I love that!
Evelyn Abigaïlle is such a sweetheart. She and I formed a very quick connection with one another. She is often a bit more cautious than her sister. She can be slower to warm up to new things (people, new foods, etc) but she is every bit as fun and spunky and silly as her sister if she feels comfortable. She goes down to sleep a lot better than her sister and seems to either enjoy or need a bit more sleep too. When given the choice she often chooses things that are blue/turquoise/purple in color as opposed to Eleanor’s draw to pink. 
Both twins are very girlie and LOVE putting on pretty clothes. In fact they are usually more interested in what clothes or headbands we bring than what toys or books we have. Both twins adore baby dolls and dancing and think it is hilarious to tease. They really love when I introduce sign language with English words. They are very quick to learn and especially enjoy songs like many three-year-olds do. Our whole family already adores these two sweet girls and we can’t wait to have them here with us. 💕
As I expressed earlier, we admire and respect our children’s first mothers, who gave them life and loved them before we knew them. We are also so very grateful for those who are currently caring for our girls and the team of people who have diligently worked on our behalf and are doing all they can to finish processing the girls’ paperwork so they can come home. We are so grateful for each of you!

March 3, 2006

November 19, 2018

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Showers/Adoption Celebrations

Whether you want to call it a baby (or not-so-baby) shower or an adoption celebration... I was certainly surrounded by so much love and support in November to celebrate our adoption of the twins! Lots of pink, tasty things to eat, people I love, and adorable & generous gifts. It was such a nice distraction from the emerging reality that the girls won't be home with us for Thanksgiving. It was so nice to be excited and celebrate and to feel so much support from so many people.

On November 14th my friend Natalie threw an adoption celebration for me and invited our neighbors and church friends. Everything was so nice and I found myself feeling really overwhelmed by everyone's generosity. My jaw hit the ground when I got home and realized that I hadn't remembered to take pictures of anyone at the shower... I think it was a combination of having such a nice time visiting and talking about the girls and the fact that I was, like I said, a bit overwhelmed at all the attention and generosity. I'm so glad that I snapped a few pictures when I got there to capture a few of the details and to jog my memory of that special celebration...

Natalie showed me after the shower that there was a framed picture of Mark with the girls on the mantle too, but just before people started to arrive it fell and broke. I love that she thought to include one of him with them too...and I really LOVED that she printed the girls' names and put them up with their pictures so everyone could see them and know their names.

Everything looked so pretty and tasted so yummy!

One of the most special touches to the celebration was that Natalie went to all the effort to learn about Soup Joumou and spend the entire day making it! That was really special to me. I loved it. And it was delicious!

I just have to mention that when I was a girl I did NOT like the color pink. It wasn't until I went away to college that I decided to embrace it. I've waited a LOT of years to incorporate it with anything related to my kids though...bring on the girl stuff! And, as a side-note, Natalie sent me home with these flowers and they stayed gorgeous forever!
I received so many generous, thoughtful gifts...books, darling clothes, gift cards, bed sheets, aprons, crafting supplies & smocks, hair products, dress ups, pillow cases with their names on them, snack containers, scarves and TWO CAR SEATS! Are you kidding me?! That really blew me away. Both the generosity of it all and that I can bring our sweet girls home in those two car seats. Hopefully soon!!! I went home emotional, happy, and full of so much gratitude.

A couple weeks prior on November 2nd my mom and sister-in-laws threw a family shower too!

I know how much time and effort goes into planning an event like this and there were so many lovely details to appreciate. That gorgeous naked cake with the beautiful flowers was the best tasting cake I've ever had in my life thank you, Amy! (I think she said it had Chantilly cream in the middle? It was sooo good)...the cookies were so darling, the decorations were so pretty, there were ranunculus from my very favorite flower shop, and so many tasty things to eat!

I loved that by having a shower game centered around Haiti it gave us all a chance to talk about the girl's heritage.

People that came included aunts, my grandma, cousins, my mom (obviously), Mark's mom, my sister-in-laws, a niece, and three of my childhood friends who are more like family honestly...

Aunt Linda, Grandma Shirlene, Aunt Lois, cousin's wife Andrea

Me with my cousin Jeanette (and Dalynne behind us!)

Mary and me

Becky and Allison
My niece Audrey

Sister-in-law Amy touching up the cake she made

 I absolutely LOVED that my mom strung together these banners of pictures of the girls. Love, love, loved it!

My grandma Shirlene with her sister Lois

Aunt Barbara & my cousin Dalynne

How adorable are these dolls that my friend Allison gave me for the girls' birthday???

My SIL Miranda (who drove 5 hours to come all the way from St. George!) and my niece Audrey.

How pretty is this?? My niece Audrey painted it! So, so thoughtful and such a meaningful gift! It will be perfect in the girls' room and I'm trying to figure out the perfect spot for it still (these kind of decisions take me a while...)

How darling are these purses my mom bought for the girls?

My friend Becky gave me such BEAUTIFUL dresses for the girls
We passed several of the gifts around so people could see them. I received so many nice things not shown in pictures here including: clothes, shower caps/detangler for the girls, blankets, bike helmets, ballet clothes, security blanket/toy, snow gloves/snow pants, books and toddler-proofing locks!

Me, Aunt Barbara, Aunt Lois, Mom, Grandma Shirlene

Miranda, Me, Katie

Al, Becky, me & Jenny
What an absolutely perfect afternoon. I am so, so very blessed and I can't wait to introduce these sweet girls to so many people that have been praying for them and already love them too.