Wednesday, January 8, 2020

We exited MOI!!!

I have been "nesting" like crazy lately (so it must not be all biological, huh?)...and I messaged another adoptive family waiting at the same stage telling her that too. I told her that I had a feeling that we'd get good news this week (meaning exiting MOI that we've been stuck at for the last 4 months since finalizing our adoptions) and that was fueling my drive to get things in order to bring the girls home. The next day (yesterday) she messaged me saying that hopefully we'd be getting good news too because they exited MOI! I was so excited for them!

...And just after that I started to worry if we didn't get news of exiting that day was that because an error in paperwork was found (which could result in big delays)?? I decided to give things until the end of the day hoping to hear and when I didn't I shot an email off to Chareyl telling her that another family from our same orphanage who also received their adoption decree the same day as us exited yesterday and what was her read on if that could mean our file had an error/potential delay. She emailed back that she had been super busy and hadn't had time to email me yet, but we exited also! Wahooooo!

So, no we don't have a date to pick up the girls yet, but this is a big concrete step that we've been waiting on for months. Next we get passports and then on to visas! Praying the passport is issued quickly and after that it should only be about 2 weeks to travel if all goes smoothly. (I say that last part with equal parts hope and sarcasm)