Thursday, October 3, 2019

7 years ago today

Today is a perfect day to pay our final adoption payment for our girls!
7 years ago today we began this adoption journey! We knew starting things that it would be a rollercoaster (adoptions each are in their own way), but we had no idea what was ahead of us. We certainly had no idea that our boys would go from 6 years, 4 years and barely 1 year 13 years, 11 years, and 8 years old!! These boys grew up hearing about their little sister as if she were a fairy tale - the "baby girl that would someday come, when the time is right".

Over the last 7 years of waiting to complete our family we changed from looking like this: looking like this:

***That is the most recent snapshot I have of our whole family...I'm waiting to get this year's family portraits done until we can do one of all SEVEN of us. Yep. Seven is officially my new lucky number.*** 
We waited 7 years to become a family of 7!

When starting this journey we had no idea that 2 years into our process that we would be changing from adopting from Ethiopia to Haiti, no idea that it this process would be another 5 years after that - or of all of the other unpredictable struggles there would be along the way, BUT...

We also had no idea that we would be double-blessed with twin little girls, we had no idea how grateful we would be for the crèche our girls live in and caregivers they have, we had no idea the depth of love we would develop for the other children that live at the crèche with our girls, we had no idea of how much our love for our children's country of birth would increase, we had no idea how much our perspectives on things in life would change, and we had no idea the things that would happen in our family (like Max's diagnosis) during this wait that would make the spacing of our kids just perfect like this.

We just had no idea...
...but I believe that God knew all of it fully. HE knew all of how things would unfold for us & HE knew the heartbreaking way things would unfold for our sweet girls. HE knew how to take a situation of tragedy, heartache and loss and turn it into something full of beauty. Truly beauty for ashes. Our girls will never be "lucky" to have been through what they have in their first few years of life that led us together, but we are all blessed to have a Father in Heaven that knows how to orchestrate beauty from even the greatest heartbreak and loss we can imagine. My heart will forever be broken that in order for our sweet girls to come to our family that they had to endure and lose so much, but I will also forever be grateful for the blessing of being able to have the privilege of being called "Mama" by these two beautiful girls.

This very end of our adoption journey has proven to be more heart-wrenching and more faith-stretching than I could have imagined. To have our girls bear our name, but be separated from us and living in a place so riddled with turmoil is often difficult for my heart to navigate. In my human-ness it is difficult to be patient while having no idea how long the current political/economic situation will delay our girls from coming home.

Having no idea has always been the hardest part of this process. It has also been the part of the process that has grown my faith the most. It is the part that has allowed me to lean more heavily on my savior. It is the part that reminds me that HE knows. That forces me to trust Him. To remember that as much as I love these girls, He loves them even more. And so I write these things down, so that on the especially hard days I can go back and read the things my heart does know. So I can lean on those while I wait for my heart and our family to be whole. While I wait for our real journey to begin.

*Just for fun, I do always like taking a look down memory lane at posts from prior years on this date:
6 years into this journey (8 days later we were matched to our girls!)
5 years into this journey (this period of time was one of the heaviest for my heart in this journey)
4 years into this journey (our girls were 11 days old & Hurricane Matthew was bearing down)
3 years into this journey (the last line in this post makes me giggle now)
This & this were written around 2 years into this journey (as doors closed on our Ethiopian adoption)

1 comment:

  1. I love your words, Holly, and love reading back on this long journey. Your prayerful perseverance has blessed our lives and brought us five beautiful, treasured grandchildren. It’s so very close now. Soon Evelyn and Eleanor will physically join and complete your sweet family. In our hearts they’re already here. Love you all so much. ❣️❣️
