Friday, June 21, 2019

Judicial strike and upcoming visit

I just wanted to include a short post about what's going on (besides waiting and more waiting as always)...

Due to the complex political and economic situation in Haiti there have been more protests including a judicial strike which has brought all court proceedings in Haiti to a halt. Yes, that includes adoptions like ours. So, we are trying to be patient and understand that our adoption is intertwined with the desperate need for change that the Haitian people have. We pray for that also.

It can be hard to miss more of our girls' lives as they near their third birthday, but we are grateful that although an orphanage isn't ideal for any child - that they are well cared for there. We miss them though! And we have a trip planned in less than two weeks for Mark and I to take Noah and Lincoln to meet their sisters, but are taking things a day at a time to see if it will be safe enough to travel. It's hard to proceed with international plans like that not knowing if you'll really go or not, but that's just how it goes right now.

We are hoping there is some resolution with the courts soon so things can open back up and function (and lead to our final adoption decree!) while also praying for larger change that will bring lasting improvement to the people of Haiti that they so desperately need.

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