Friday, March 20, 2020

We need a miracle

I sent someone a link to this blog recently and I sat and just looked at the url and title of my blog.
One Miracle at a Time

It's true. Each one of our children have come into our lives through their own series of miracles, whether involving adoption or modern medicine. Bringing the twins into our lives has been that also. A series of little miracles all happening at the necessary time. That doesn't mean things haven't been hard or that they've gone how I would have scripted them, but I do believe that the important things have been orchestrated how they needed to be.

One Miracle at a Time was specifically meant to have dual meanings. It references that adding each child to our family has come with its own miracles and that each child is a miracle in and of themselves. It also means that during the process of adding this child (we now know it's children) to our family that there would be a series of necessary miracles to occur and I have certainly seen that over the last 7 1/2 years of this adoption process.

Right now we are praying that it is God's will to provide a really huge miracle. With the borders closed to Haiti we don't even know what to ask for to be able to bring the girls home. I know that we still need Abigaelle's passport, that we don't have medicals done, and that there isn't as of now a way to leave the country...certainly not for us to pick them up anymore as we were planning to (the plan before last night was that we were planning to pick them up next week at the Port-au-Prince airport - they would be brought to us and we wouldn't even leave the airport).

So, we would need some pretty huge miracles at this point if it is the Lord's will for them to come home now. I pray that our will and His align at this point.

I am very emotional about everything people are doing on our behalf. Both on the Haiti and U.S. side. I have mentioned some of those things in prior blog posts. 

Last night I shot off emails to a new congressional contact and my current contact Emily at the joint Senators Lee/Romney team. I wanted her to have all new updated information when she arrived to work in the morning so we could look into options. I ended up getting an email back from her at 10:30 (so 12:30am her time) saying that she'd been trying all night to call the emergency citizen services abroad hotline, but hadn't been successful. She discussed some concerns and assured me that she would pursue every angle she could and that she'd keep me updated. 

Chareyl has also been in frequent contact with me throughout this with calls, FaceTime, and text. I know she recognizes the gravity of this situation and is also exploring every angle available to us at this point. She says that we don't give up until we have looked at every possibility and that there are no options left. There are no words I have to express how grateful we are for her. We felt that way before this week, but in a time of so much worry and vulnerability we feel it so much more potently.

If anybody is reading this... please, please pray for a miracle. Pray that we can get the passport for Abigaelle and that we can work something out with medicals and get the girls home somehow. We love them and just want to care and provide for them and teach them what it is to be in a family that is theirs forever.

1 comment:

  1. I am reading. I will add my prayers to yours. Much love to you and Mark.
