Thursday, March 19, 2020

An almost celebration

And this is why I didn't announce to anyone yesterday that we got passports...

We were told passports were done and going to be picked up yesterday. I woke up today to find out thaaaat.... Only one printed.

This stuff has happened a lot with the twins. Either an error in the paperwork due to names being so similar, submission numbers being only one number off, etc. I honestly don't know if there is a paperwork issue or if someone just thought they were going to print a duplicate passport and didn't print it?? I'm sure I'll hear soon.

Now for the good news: The embassy emailed me today and said that they will issue medical exam letters today! That is great news. Especially after concerns yesterday that they possibly weren't issuing exam appointments right now. Of course we're praying that the girls get in today to have those medical exams done since it takes a week to get results back, but we are sooo grateful for Nisthone's tenacity in staying at IBESR yesterday until those article 23 letters were finished. So, so grateful.

Chareyl and I have been texting this morning and she is telling me that she was communicating with C4C about the girls late last night, and then with Nisthone early this morning. She confirmed that only one passport printed, but that Nisthone and Nathan have been in regular communication with the Embassy today and I am so grateful for that. I shot an email off to Emily in D.C. to let her know that the Embassy is working hard to coordinate things for us and that I appreciated her efforts in helping light that fire under them for that.

I get the impression that it was just an error at the passport office and that the other passport will be issued today. I am hopeful that is the case and am praying at this point that the medical exams can be issued and take place today. I am very nervous with how long it takes to get those results back that it could end up being too late (with border closure concerns) by the time they come even one day could really make a difference at this point.

Of course we are anxious to have our girls home, but if I wasn't concerned about the borders closing I would be pushing so much for everything to happen so quickly. It sure would have been nice for the article 23 and medicals to have been done any time earlier in the last 10 weeks since exiting MOI so we wouldn't be in this position, but that is where we are now and everyone involved (on the U.S. and Haitian side) is working very hard to get things done. We are beyond grateful for everyone's hard work on our behalf right now.

Please keep praying. I believe it is helping.

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