Abigaïlle is a bit more cautious of the two twins, she is a better napper/sleeper (either needs more sleep or is just more agreeable with going to sleep), she doesn't eat as much as her sister and isn't as adventurous of an eater. She weighs 2 pounds less than her sister at 28 pounds and is therefor a little bit smaller.
Abigaëlle is more willing to try new things, she eats more than her sister but is less agreeable about going to bed/sleep. She is generally very happy and less of a worrier than her sister and likes to tease. She weighs 2 pounds more than her sister at 30 pounds.
Both girls love to dance, love animals (especially chickens) & animal sounds, both love baby dolls and enjoy drawing/coloring. They have recently started crossing their legs when sitting down and are enjoying having their pictures taken more now (complete with hip-pop and hand on hip). The girls seem to pick up quickly on English words/phrases and love when there is a sign associated with a new word... they particularly like the signs/words "more", "dirty", "thirsty", "cracker and "candy".
Now a bit of a re-cap of their birthday! First off to church! Before leaving we snapped a quick picture of my mom holding Abigaëlle and me holding Abigaïlle...
We got a ride to church with Kiki and all these beautiful girls from the crèche!
I was holding El on my lap during the drive and she wasn't so sure about the bumpy ride...
Sitting in church with the girls...
Some girls from the crèche playing with my hair during church...

The twins LOVE looking at pictures on a phone...

We're so grateful for all the people who love our girls so well...
And of course we had to try and snap a few pictures of the girls in their pretty Sunday dresses! Abigaïlle on the left and Abigaëlle on the right.
Grandma, Abigaëlle, Abigaïlle, me.
Back at the guesthouse after church we took a bunch more pictures of our beautiful birthday girls!!
After doing pictures the girls cuddled up on the couch with their sippies and watching messages on my phone time...
El decided that it was really funny to fill up her mouth with water and spit it out onto the floor so I had her wipe it up with a paper towel, which she was pretty happy to do actually...
Then these busy little girls started getting a little hyper-silly and running all over the place...
So we moved the party to our bedroom to jump on the bed a bit before nap time...
Then Abigaïlle went down for a nap on the bed. Poor El was looking a bit dejected about the whole thing...
...but then El fell asleep on me for her nap.
Grandma served up birthday pb&j sandwiches with chips for lunch after nap time!
And then it was time to give the girls my birthday gift! Combining two things they love...clothes and chickens! They loved the dresses!
I wish I had a picture of the big (super cute) soft toy chickens my mom brought them for a gift. They were actually pretty scared of them. We think they were actually afraid they would hurt them. We know they've been given a talking to about not getting too close to the real chickens that wander through the orphanage grounds, so maybe they were worried because of that? We brought them home and figure they'll like them later...
Can I just point out how nerdily excited I was to find a shirt for myself with a mama chicken and two baby chickens on it???! Me with my two baby chicks. In the photo: Il, me, El.
The girls watched my mom and I while we made the birthday treats to take to the crèche...
We were glad we were taking this video clip when the girls broke out into this cute song! Hahaha...
The girls were pretty excited about the treats to take to all their friends at the crèche!
Singing happy birthday to the twins!...
I love these two little people so much! Happy birthday, sweet girls!
Lyneda and Anderson posing with the dessert picks...
You could tell that the girls were having a blast being the center of attention and having this time to run amok (with treats) alongside their buddies.
Sweet Abigaëlle
And because this should be documented... once the birthday party was over we were way past time to have the girls to their room for the evening. I took them into the "baby room" and went to put Abigaïlle in her bed and she about lost her mind. Screaming and stiff as a board and grabbing onto the bed to not go in. I did get her in a top bed but she was wailing and crying and I felt pretty badly. I turned around to look for El and couldn't see her. I knew I'd closed the door when I went in, but couldn't see her anywhere so I figured she'd managed to open the door. I went in the hall to recruit help finding her. A nanny was looking and a few other people. Pretty soon we found her wedged between two of the beds in her room hiding with a huge smile across her face. Little stinker. She thought she was really funny. I couldn't help but think that it would have been something Mark would have done at her age...
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