Saturday, November 3, 2018

Shopping and our acceptance letter

Since the twins are at an orphanage in the mountains I needed to go get some leggings, long sleeved shirts and warmer pajamas to send them. It actually gets down into the 50's at night time there this time of year (and it's humid). I was also able to do a little shopping for someone in Haiti that Chareyl knows too. Girl shopping is fun!!

I managed to fit a few outfits for each twin, pajamas and a cardigan each into 2 ziplock baggies! I thought that was pretty good! I dropped them off to Chareyl last night. She leaves for Haiti tomorrow! It makes me so happy that she'll be able to bring these things for our girls!

The other update is that we got our English translation for our referral documents (about 27 pages long). We spent a long time today going over those, trying to understand everything and then finishing our acceptance letter and getting it notarized! Here we are getting it notarized!...

I scanned in and sent that acceptance letter and one other document to Chareyl today and we're excited to hear from the orphanage to pin down travel dates now!

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