So! We have been aware for some time that our agency has been advocating for us to receive a specific match (no we have no information on the child). During the month of September we really ramped up our prayers as we knew that this match had to have a document fixed on their end to be paper ready and needed to also be signed off by the children's judge in Haiti.
While my kids always pray for their sister, last week I gave them more specifics about what we knew about this potential match our agency is advocating for us. I told them that I felt that we needed to pray specifically that if this is the child Heavenly Father intends for our family to please help the judge to sign the document and move the file on to IBESR.
On Tuesday (one week ago today) I kept feeling the impression all day that I needed to reach out to others to ask them to pray for us. I was resistant to do so because I've done this before. I don't want to seem like I'm trying to get attention, or that I'm ungrateful for all that I've been blessed with...but I kept having the nagging impression that I needed to do that. I even woke up in the middle of the night (I'm a VERY sound sleeper) thinking that I needed to be obedient and do that. So! First thing Wednesday morning I got the kids off to school and then immediately followed that impression and wrote a post for social media and sent a few texts off to close friends/family.
After finishing doing that I knelt down in my family room and poured my own heart out in prayer. Now I pray everyday. I know that God hears all my prayers, but I don't always FEEL Him hearing my prayers. This prayer was special. I felt such a connection. I felt HEARD. I was able to open up in prayer in a way that I haven't in a long time. I also prayed for Sarah that she would be able to get her referral soon and see her daughters face, and specifically for 2 other women I know who are waiting to bring their children home. My prayer felt cleansing. Refreshing. I felt His love. I had such an amazing confirmation that He loved me, and that His hand is guiding our adoption and watching over our child.
When I was done with my prayer I wiped away my tears, blew my nose a few times and eventually went to look at my phone. When I turned my phone on there was a text already waiting from Chareyl telling me that the judge had singed the papers, they had been submitted to IBESR for matching and that our rep was advocating for us to receive this match.
Of course I was over the moon about this amazing news, don't get me wrong. However, the timing of how things all went down served as such a solidifying confirmation to me that God was orchestrating all of this. He knew my heart, He heard my prayers and those of others praying alongside us and answered this way to signal this to me. It was exhilarating and humbling. I was so excited and grateful.
Before finishing up what I have to tell I'd like to share the post I put up on social media for documentation sake:
I have a prayer request - not to pray for me, but alongside me. I feel vulnerable to ask for this for two reasons: I don't want it to seem like I'm looking for attention or that I think I have the corner on the market for struggling (I know many people have much heavier burdens than I do, and there are bigger crises in the world than what I'm dealing with)...and secondly because I fear that I come across ungrateful (I know that I am blessed far beyond what I possibly deserve).
That being said - I believe in the power of prayer. I have seen it work miracles in my life and in my own heart. I absolutely believe that it was collective prayers that brought our oldest child into our family years ago through the miracles that occurred prior to his adoption. So! I am hoping that those who feel so inclined would be willing to pray alongside our family for the child we are waiting to adopt.
Today marks 6 years since we first started this journey. We still have a long way to go once Haiti presents us with a match, but we are so anxious for that to happen. While our paperwork has been done (and redone, and redone...) for some time now, children in Haiti also have paperwork that has to be complete before they are eligible to be matched to a family. We know that God knows who we should be matched to. He knows who will join our family. Our prayer is that she doesn't need to wait any longer than necessary, that her paperwork will be completed & a match issued to our family, and that in the meantime she will be well cared for and looked after. We pray specifically that signatures that are needed will happen and that those processing the paperwork will complete it.
Thank you to each of you who have supported us over the last several years of this process. I haven't posted often on social media about our adoption, but vent to my blog now and then ( and always post any updates there. I posted this morning about the relevance of today for me. Feel free to read it if you'd like.
We always welcome questions about our adoption, but reluctantly haven't had any progress to share. We hope that will change soon! Thank you in advance for your faith, prayers and continued support. We love this child already, even before knowing her face, and can't wait to be one step closer to her joining our family!

So that is what I shared. It's not that what I shared was anything impressive, but I feel like it weaves itself into the timing of our story and it reminds me to follow through on promptings that I'm given. I know that He already knew what I would do and was ready to bless me...especially with the opportunity to feel so close and connected to Him.
After that we doubled down on our prayers that IBESR would approve our match. Just yesterday I received a text from Chareyl telling me not to freak (she knows me), but that the college of matching at IBESR has just approved us for the match they have been advocating for on our behalf! The next step is waiting for an official payment request from IBESR, which she is hoping we will have by the end of this week!!! I know that nothing is set in stone until they officially accept our payment and issue the match, but this is HUGE. We are so very grateful. Chareyl touched on how much has gone into this match and the God is moving mountains for us and I don't doubt it for one second. I can't wait until we officially have this match and we can be privy to hearing what some of those seen miracles are. And I don't doubt that there are many that will go unknown also. God is so good! I am so grateful. I share all of this to share our excitement and because I feel compelled to be complete in telling our story, but also to glorify Him.
So we are praying, praying, praying and looking forward with hope to the next step which will hopefully be very soon.
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