Chareyl sent out a general update to Haiti families about a week ago. She does that periodically just to touch bases and update on anything going on relevant to Haitian adoptions. In that update Chareyl mentioned that she was nominated and elected the Joint Council Haitian caucus co-chair. Most Hague accredited agencies and most if not all agencies working in Haiti are members of the Joint Council. Their annual meeting is this month and Mr. Guillaume (second in command with IBESR, who issues official adoption referrals in Haiti) has agreed to attend. Chareyl will be one of the people able to attend and address a list of questions and concerns regarding adoptions in Haiti. Any time something like this can happen it is very encouraging and there is hope for progress to be made from this type of direct communication. Additionally, I believe that the Council will benefit greatly from Chareyl's insight and lengthy experience regarding Haiti and Haitian adoptions. Thumbs up all around!
Also! Chareyl confirmed a rumor that I heard that IBESR recently hired and are training 10 new staff members! That is a really big deal as one of the biggest hold-ups with processing Haitian adoptions is the sheer amount of work that has to be done to process the paperwork and the lack of staff! They may be adding an additional fee to cover the cost of these staff members, but that is well worth it in my opinion! Very encouraging news!
This makes me smile. Love good news and steps in a positive direction! And love you!